Friday, December 23, 2011

Ron Paul 2012

What do you think about this? just imagine....

Merry Christmas & Happy NewYear Everyone !!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

New & Up-Dated Preservation of Wealth Website !!

Cool, New, And Fresh, Preservation Of wealth WebSite Page!
It gives a pretty good explanation of what P.O.W. is, and what P.O.W
offers. Enjoy your Weekend!! Keep Stacking !!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Apmex vs. Preservation of Wealth

Hi Guys & Gals,
Here is a quick explanation of savings between Apmex & Preservation Of Wealth.
You can join here:


Our Rights, Economy, Police State, Gold & Silver Update !!

Sign up to Preservation of Wealth here:
With these low prices we currently see, your savings will be even greater
when you are part of the "At cost" pricing @ P.O.W. !!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Buy Silver & Gold, before prices........

Hello everyone,

I want to tell you folks about what I'm thinking. By the early part of 2012, the prices (in dollars) will rise to the point where most people will not be able to afford gold anymore. Heck, most cannot afford gold at this point. However, Silver will be higher than today ($15-$25 higher)  but still afforadable for most everyone. Stack as much as possible during the next couple months. It will more than likely be the last time we see prices that we see today. lastly, I do anticapate a drop just before Christmas, but after the next drop, IT'S ON !!!
P.S., If you're in, you're good! If not, get in quickly or try another asset class.

Best of luck to all!


Friday, December 02, 2011

Silver to Dry Up in 9 Years !!

Hello my friends,

According to an article I read on "Wealth Wire" today, Silver will pretty much be "dried up" in 9 years! As consumer, investor & industrial demand continue to plow into the above ground stock-piles, while mining the shiny metal continues to decrease do to costs, difficulty of getting to it in the ground, and other "issues", It's a GREAT time to continue our pursuit into the precious metal.. I see more & more people getting their "act together" & switching their fiat currencies to physical silver. Not only will this increase their purchasing power in the coming crisis, it will also drive up the price due to simple supply & demand economics.. It's fundementals, news and facts such as these that continue to excite me. Remember, close your bank accounts at any major bank & join a credit union. This helps in our fight against the thieves who rob us everyday. Lastly, make sure you can vote in the upcoming primary (1st. quarter of 2012) by being registered as a Republican. It's not enough to say, "Vote for Ron Paul" alone.
Keep stacking & tell a friend... Let's stop the manipulation by the Comex & other crooks by buying silver 1 ounce or 10 Oz's or 100 Oz's at a time !!!!!!!!

